With the confusion between the functions of a blog and web site persisting, it has proved more difficult for many online marketers and entrepreneurs to use the two very different online tools properly in their marketing plans. Yet it is extremely important for everybody to understand the key differences between a blog site and a web site so as to understand best the key strengths and weaknesses of the two and what marketing functions each will tend to accomplish best.
As blogs (previously known as web logs) have continued to dominate the World Wide Web in recent times, the differences between traditional web sites and blogs has become increasingly blurred for many bloggers and users of the net.
With this confusion persisting, it has proved more difficult for many online marketers and entrepreneurs to use the two very different online tools properly in their marketing plans. Yet it is extremely important for everybody to understand the key differences between a blog site and a web site so as to understand best the key strengths and weaknesses of the two and what marketing functions each will tend to accomplish best.
The key differences between a blog and a web site is that a blog’s main function is being a web log or online diary. As the term "online diary" suggests, this is where a blogger can generate a lot of interesting personal comment and intimate details and information about a particular niche subject or topic that they have chosen to cover. Blogs are quick and easy to set up. Blogs are a less expensive way of advertising your business to the online community.
A web site on the other hand is the official address and location of a web-based business. Just the place you would expect to find ecommerce tools and landing pages where customers can make a purchase online. Blogs and websites can work hand in hand with one another.
The truth is that a blog is hardly the place where you would want to reach for your credit card. Yet a blog is not less important. Blogs are classified as being increasingly important to any web based entrepreneur because it is where all the action is. In actual fact traffic is generated in large quantities at blogs and then re-directed to web sites for the actual sales transaction to be consummated.
In conclusion none can really totally replace the other and both blogs and web sites have their individual very important key roles to play in the marketing success of any online enterprise.
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